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Medical Malpractice

Who Should You Sue if Your Doctor Fails to Diagnose?

Who Should You Sue if Your Doctor Fails to Diagnose?

Nobody wants to hear their doctor say that they are sick. It’s one thing if you have a minor illness. You may even be able to deal with the news that you need surgery. But when you hear that you have cancer, you may feel like your life is over. If you get the news...

How Serious is a Cancer Misdiagnosis?

How Serious is a Cancer Misdiagnosis?

When people get sick, they like to know that they can go to their doctor and get better. Even if the doctor cannot make the problem go away, it’s reassuring to find out what’s wrong with you. If you are sick, you should be able to trust that your doctor will come up...

The 5 Steps of Loss With Patient Disfigurement

The 5 Steps of Loss With Patient Disfigurement

When a patient suffers with disfigurement, there are stages of loss he or she goes through. It's impossible for any patient to suffer such a severe injury without having to go through some realization of loss. The injury affects appearance, and that can change a...

Woman Sues New Orleans Medical Care Facility After Injury

Woman Sues New Orleans Medical Care Facility After Injury

A woman living in New Orleans has filed a lawsuit claiming that the health care facility where she lives is not, in fact, qualified to operate as a health care provider according to the stipulations of the Louisiana Medical Malpractice Act. Her suit alleges that the...

Scarring and disfigurement suits

Any time that a person involved in an accident or undergoes a medical procedure that results in scarring or disfigurement, the real-life impact can be devastating. Regardless of the circumstances that lead to the disfigurement, it is difficult to simply wake up and...

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